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Pay Rate Increase for California Exempt Computer Software Employees

Labor Code Section 515.5 dictates that certain software employees are exempt from overtime pay and Labor Code Section 510 sets forth the …

California Labor law Attorney’s Encourage Employees to Keep Track of their Hours

The Department of Labor recently released a Smartphone application called DOL-Timesheet to help employees hold their employers accountable for proper payment of overtime …

Firm Overview – TEST POST

United Employees Law Group, PC is a premier California labor law firm, significantly experienced in the pursuit of California overtime …

California gives Computer Professionals and Physicians a Raise

Physicians, surgeons and computer software professionals are exempt from overtime so long as they meet a minimum state requirement in …

Firm Overview

United Employees Law Group, PC is a premier California labor law firm, significantly experienced in the pursuit of California overtime …

Pay Back is a … Beach … or a Reimbursement

California labor law section 2802 requires that employees be reimbursed for all expenses incurred during and for work. The most …

New Employee Rights Posters in California

The National Labor Relations Act was upheld in a DC federal court confirming that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) …

New California Requirements for Retirement Plans offered at Work

Does your employer offer a 401k, profit sharing, or a money market account? Were you given specific details about this …

New Employment Legislation could Expand Leaves of Absences for Los Angeles Workers

Have you ever had a family emergency and had difficulty getting time off work? Well, new legislation could expand the …

Meal Breaks, Rest Breaks & Penalties

California labor laws will penalize employers if they do not follow the laws requiring that all non-exempt or hourly employees …

Misclassification and Off the Clock

The State of California has gone to great lengths to be one of the most pro-employee states in the country. …

California Labor Law Attorneys Recover 7th Day Pay and On Call Pay

California labor law attorneys fought to prove that it should be illegal to change the beginning and end days of …

Maid’s California Wrongful Termination Case against Kobe Bryant: UPDATE

An Orange County Superior Court judge has ruled that the former maid, Maria Jimenez, of Kobe Bryant and his wife …

In California how many Hours can a Salary or Exempt Employee be asked to Work?

Short answer is: there is no minimum or maximum hours an exempt or salaried employee can work. The problem is …

In California Marital Status Discrimination is often Overlooked

Are you married, single, or divorced? Like many individuals, you may not relate the answer to this question to your …

How Claims are Selected for Prosecution

United Employees Law Group through this blog, its website and direct discussions by phone, provides information on a multitude of …

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