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Your Medical Privacy

Your Medical Privacy

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Studies have revealed that the lack of proper encryption, inadequate funding, and shortage of staff has degraded the system of comprehensive data protection. Most health care organizations are not sure of the exact location of patient data. Under such circumstances, it becomes imperative to learn about the medical privacy covered under laws and policies regarding medical privacy in California.

Laws and policies regarding medical privacy in California

1. Controlling Medical Information

The ability to control your medical information falls within the range of some control and no control. There are situations where you have the opportunity to object or give consent, and others where your consent is not required. Few cases may require your authorization. According to laws and policies regarding medical privacy in California, there is a clear distinction between authorization and consent. Authorization should be given out in a separate document specifying disclosure details.

2. When flow of medical information is beyond control

Such information is required by local, state or public health regulatory authorities. When a person is exposed to a communicable disease or the subject of a food and drug administration issue, there is no need for consent. Consent for accessing medical information is not required when the employer requires the information for conducting medical surveillance in the workplace or evaluating work-related injury or illness.

3. When your medical information may be used without consent

Consent for using your medical information is not required when it is used for treatment, health care operations or payment. Your consent is not necessary when the information is utilized by a business associate of your health care plan. Services provided by business associates may include financial, accounting, administrative, accreditation, management, consulting, data aggregation, actuarial and legal.

4. How to know the number of people that have accessed the medical information

Laws and policies regarding medical privacy in California strives to limit the number of areas in which people can access your medical information. However, there is no realistic way to ascertain the number of people that may have accessed your medical information. For example, when you are admitted to a hospital, hundreds of hospital employees have access to your medical information.

5. When is authorization required?

Laws and policies regarding medical privacy in California requires your specific authorization if the disclosure is required for psychotherapy or for marketing. An individual’s psychotherapy notes are protected, subject to exceptions such as defending a health plan or a doctor or undergoing staff training.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Billion Photos

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