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Wrongful Termination in California

Wrongful Termination in California

Gavel on table

Wrongful termination California means that employees in the state of California have been laid off or fired for reasons which violate the legal rights that are meant to protect employees. Basically, if wrongful termination statute is violated when an employer is laying off or firing an employee, the law of the state of California allows the employee to file a wrongful termination lawsuit against his/ her employer. This write- up will give you what you need to know about California employment law and how you can benefit by utilizing what it offers.

What Does the California Employment Law State?

California labor laws is a sub- branch of the California employment law and it is meant to cover employees working in different firms or business premises in that state of California. DFEH i.e. Department of Fair Employment and Housing is an organization of the state of California that is responsible for investigating various allegations associated with discrimination of workers in their working environment. Before filing a lawsuit about wrongful termination, the state will require you to file a complaint with the department of EEOC i.e. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or with the DFEH, i.e. the federal organizations that are meant to investigate employment complaints.

What you Need to Know About California Employment Law if you are an Independent Contractor

The law that protects the jobs of different employees in California does not apply to an independent contractor. However, the law has come out with measures that limit employers to easily classify employers as independent contractors. Basically, the law states that the determination of whether a person is an independent contractor should be based on how the employee is being treated by his/ her employer(s).

The law state that when determining whether workers are independent contractors, employers should examine whether the workers have got control over their own work techniques and if the workers are paid by the tasks they specifically entitled to perform.

Situations Whereby it is Wrong to Terminate an Employee According to California Employment law

* When an employee is having physical disabilities

* When pregnant

* Due to age purposes

* As a result of political affiliation

* Sexual orientation i.e. if an employee is bi- sexual, homosexual, etc.

Last, but definitely not the least, if you’re an employee in any California based company or business, these are a few of the facts you need to know about wrongful termination California. For more information about California employment law and how you can benefit by making use of what it indicates, ensure that you click this website i.e. Thank you.

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