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Workplace Dress Codes

Workplace Dress Codes

Professionally dressed young man looking out a window

In every organization, it is the obligation of employees to follow a dress code. Therefore, the clothing, tattoos, hair, nails, piercings should be regulated. In fact, most parts of the dress codes are legal so long as they are non-discriminatory. In order to learn more about the grooming and dress codes, you need to read the information highlighted:

#1. Can your employer tell you how to dress?

The answer to the question is a yes. It is important to know that employees should regulate the employee’s appearance. However, certain employees should not be discriminated. In some of the organizations, all the employees are supposed to wear the uniform. Currently, the employees need formal attire.

#2. Is it legal for my employer to force me how to dress yet he is not informing anyone else?

Generally, a company should not discriminate or single out one employer. Hence, you should know that the dress code policies must be targeting all the workers and not just you. Therefore, the answer to that question is a no.

#3. My employer has a dress code for one gender. Is it legal?

The solution of the question is a no because the employers are not supposed to single out any particular group of people. Thus, the dress codes should target all the workers.

#4. Is it right for my boss to allow women to wear their long hair and not allow the men?

Yes. The dress code standards for women should be different from that of men. But, a greater burden on either of the gender should not be imposed.

#5. Are you allowed to wear a sexual or revealing uniform while working in a casino or any other employer?

Occasionally, it is a yes. If part of the work ethics is looking sexy then you needs to wear revealing uniforms. Nevertheless, revealing uniforms are not supposed to be worn if your place of work has nothing concerning a more provocative image. In rare occasions, some of the unions have fought successfully so as to prohibit their female colleagues from wearing revealing attire while they are at the workstation.

#6. Is there certain weight which I must not exceed so as to fit the size of the uniform?

The reaction to the question is a yes and no. While some of the ladies should fit into a small weight range, men are supposed to wear a larger weight range. On the contrary, it is not illegal to have a requirement for maintaining certain weight which doesn’t end up in the discrimination between men and women.


Generally, the court has ruled that there should be dress code standards for the employees. The guidelines mentioned above indicate that the problems are normally centered on a gender basis. Hence, the employers should enforce the dress codes for both men and women. As always, dress codes vary depending on the company so remember to review

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ GaudiLab

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