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Women in Lingerie Sue over Wages

Women in Lingerie Sue over Wages

Whats Your Dress Code?

In a recently filed class action against Legends Football League – formerly known as Lingerie Football League – the scantily clad football players allege unlawful treatment because they were wrongfully classified as independent contractors, when in fact, according to the Complaint, they are employees and are due overtime and are entitled to be paid minimum wage also.
Furthermore, the Plaintiffs allege violations of California labor laws as well as the Fair Labor Standards Act or FLSA.
The Lingerie Football League began as a halftime show during the Super Bowl, but soon grew into a 10-team football league in the United States.

What the Plaintiffs will have to show in order to win their case is how much control was exercised over them by the Defendant. If an employer controls hours and working conditions, then there is a tendency to believe that an independent contractor is really an employee, who then is entitled to minimum wages, overtime, and other protections such as workers compensation. Surprisingly, the contracts signed by the football players used terms such as “employ” and “employment” throughout the contract which required them to be present at practices and promotional events.
Should the Plaintiff’s win their case, they will be seeking twice the amount in damages, interest, and attorney’s fees.

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