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What is the EEOC Doing For ME?

What is the EEOC Doing For ME?

Family sitting down together for breakfast

You may not even be familiar with the acronym EEOC, but it is very important to how business is done in this country. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission protects all employees and prospective employees at work, and they have been VERY BUSY in recent years. The ever expanding problems swirling around employment, including social media passwords, new rights and discussions for the LGBT community, as well as domestic violence reports, provide plenty of work, but what is being done?

Truly enormous strides have been taken as of late and these changes can be seen in several areas such as benefits equality for domestic and same-sex partners. The changes that came with Obama Care have certainly had an effect on the employment world, and you need to be aware of the changes it can mean for you.

While employment laws are a constantly changing and growing animal, at United Employees Law Group we work hard to stay abreast of the issues and keep you informed on matters that can affect your rights at work.

One such development is the EEOC’s newest Strategic Enforcement Plan (SEP). The design of the new directive is to combine the forces of local and federal agencies to address and enforce what they feel are the six biggest issues for the coming years.

Hundreds of thousands of complaints are filed each year against employers in these six areas:

  • The hiring and promotion of minority groups
  • The protection provided to vulnerable employees (immigrants and migrant workers)
  • A better examination of new and emerging discrimination issues
  • The enforcing of existing equal pay laws
  • The improved availability of legal help to all who need it
  • The improved education of workers and possible victims to their rights

While the EEOC continues to work hard at improving the workplace statewide, we are here to help every employee who finds themselves in a discriminatory work situation. UELG helps employees understand and STAND UP for their rights.

Call TODAY for your free and private consultation.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/wavebreakmedia

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