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Weighing the Price vs. Payout: Suing Your Employer

Weighing the Price vs. Payout: Suing Your Employer

Gavel on table

Before you open the floodgates into your own life you need to know,


How much scrutiny you are under can be greatly affected by what type of case your employment attorney chooses to employ to help you collect. Simply put, a case based on collecting money for emotional trauma will open a large can of worms as you try to prove that injury. Obviously an emotional case is going to get personal and it won’t just be about the time in which you claim the trauma occurred, but as far back as the court deems relevant.  In other words, if you claim all of your current depression and need for therapy or medication is a direct result of abuse you suffered on the job for the past year, they will go into your history to attempt to prove that you had these underlying issues previous to the alleged abuse at work. They will try to prove you had your own issues and that you are trying to make them pay for something they have nothing to do with. This type of case can hinge almost completely on this type of evidence and not on actual data from the job, for this reason they are much more invasive and harder to win.

The best way to avoid this is clear; build a winning case around cold hard FACTS.

At United Employees Law Group we have perfected our all angles approach so that we can gather all the necessary information to build a case which will result in the maximum reward. You may not even realize what type of case you really have, quite often our clients come to us with one complaint only to find they have an even stronger case in another area, i.e. you thought you had a wrongful termination complaint, but you stand to collect far more from the back overtime and penalties and because of computer records and security videos these are easily proven. Not to mention the fact that most cases well backed up with facts rarely even go to court we are able to settle many cases out of court and avoid the drawn out battle. This means you get to collect much faster.

We know how to build cases that win, if you are ready to stand up to an employer who owes you money CALL UELG NOW for a completely free and confidential case review.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ Billion Photos

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