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What is Usually Included in an Employment Contract?

What is Usually Included in an Employment Contract?

Men signing paperwork with silver pens

There are several declarations included in an employment contract. Before you start working in any firm, it is necessary for you to sign an employment contract. The contract will indicate all duties you will be required to accomplish as well as the amount of money you will earn as privileges under different conditions. It is upon you to check the contract and ensure every detail which the potential employer is promising has been well captured.

What you will find included in an employee contract


The contract identifies different parties included in the employment. You will access address; official website among other identifies which you can associate with the employer.

Effective Date of the agreement

The contract should state the date when you will start operating in a given job. It is necessary for you to know when you will start receiving the rewards associated with the contract.

Type of employment

There are different types of employment available. You can be a salaried employee who get paid on an hourly basis or a full time professional employee. You should check and ensure the contract states your job clearly.

Duties of the employee

The employee should have specific duties. For example, if an employee is required to carry out maintenance services, he should have professional licenses to carry out the maintenance services and certificates to prove ethical actions.

Extent of Services

The section covers the hours the employee is supposed to be at work place. It includes days of work and number of hours.

Benefits provided to the employee

The benefits of different employees vary. You should check with the organization to know the specific type of benefits you enjoy under a given job group.


The contract indicates clearly circumstances under which different parties can decide to terminate the contract. The part also states the type of notices required.


There are times when notices regarding different parties can be sent. The agreement should state the channels which can be used to send notices.


The part states that if one of the parts of the contract is invalid, the rest can be valid.

Dispute process

It describes ways which can be followed to solve a dispute in a given dispute. The mandatory arbitration process should be clearly identified.

Applicable law 

It states the state in which the contract can be adjudicated in court. This is necessary to avoid confusion because different states have different labor laws.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Bacho

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