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Unpaid Wages

Unpaid Wages

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If you have unpaid wages that your employer has neglected to pay you, there are certain actions you need to take. Unpaid wages come in various forms like wage theft, shortened hours worked, unlawful deductions among others. The first action you need to take is to inform your employer to confirm whether it was a mistake or not. If your employer says it wasn’t an issue, then the next step you need to do is gather all of your work records and add any other expenses that resulted from receiving your wages late. Try to find out whether the late payment was as a result of processing error or from a bank mistake.

If you realize that your employer doesn’t pay you the minimum wage as stated in the law, or you didn’t get your wages for the time you worked as overtime, you need to come to United Employees Law Group. They will help you in making a claim for the unpaid wages. There are federal laws that set the minimum wage at $7.25 per hour and the weekly hours as forty hours per week. Here we shall help you make the claim for all your unpaid wages. Ensure you have a record of the hours worked and that which were overtime and yet to get paid.

When your employer promises a bonus or a commission and fails to pay it, the employee cannot force the employer to pay the bonus or the commission, as the Fair Labor Standards Act has no provision for payment of bonuses and commissions earned. However, this doesn’t mean that you let it go. If you had a contractual right to get the premium, you could claim it. You first have to establish that you had a clear agreement with the employer. Write a letter to the company and notify them of the issue and if they fail to respond, you can opt to seek legal address to the matter in small claims court when the claim is very small.

Wage theft takes the form of illegal underpayment or the non-payment of lawfully earned wages owed to workers. If you, or someone you know, are facing legal issues in the workplace United Employees Law Group has the answers. Call Today for your free and confidential case review. Please feel free to CONTACT US with any questions about this blog or your exact situation.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Billion Photos

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