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Unemployment Benefits Eligibility in California

Unemployment Benefits Eligibility in California

Man signing legal paperwork with gavel on the table

Many people who are unemployed may collect unemployment funds in California State. However, not all of them are eligible for the employment benefits. The California’s Employment Development Department has set eligibility requirements for the benefits. To qualify, you must have attained the earnings of a set amount in a specified period and unemployed because of circumstances beyond your control. Moreover, you must be willing to work and actively seeking for a new job.

Unemployment benefits eligibility in California

To qualify for the benefits, the California Employment Development Department (EDD) will use the following criteria:

#1. Past earnings

The EDD will assess your recent earnings before filing for the employment. Your earnings will be evaluated based on a period of 1 year, which comprise of four calendar quarters before the filling of unemployment. In a base period of 1 year, you should have the earnings of not less than $1,300 in highest paid quarter. Alternatively, you must have got the earnings not less than $900 in the highest-paid quarter not less 1.25 times the earnings in the highest-paid quarter in the whole base period.

#2. Reasons for unemployment

In most cases, the people who apply for unemployment funds have been permanently or temporarily laid off by the employer. The employee who was laid off due to company’s downsizing process is eligible for the unemployment benefits. On the other hand, the Department may approve those employees who were fired because they were not competent in the job. However, the employees who were fired due to professional misconduct or breach of contract are not eligible for the unemployment benefits.

Also, an employee who quit the job because of unsafe conditions may collect the benefits. To remain eligible, you must have tried to resolve the issue with the employer and allow time for the problem to be fixed. Moreover, employees who quit the job for health or family reasons are eligible for the unemployment benefits.

#3. Willingness to work

People who apply for the unemployment funds in California must be willing to work and actively seeking for a new job. In this case, you must show the proof that you have been searching for a job. The EDD will ask you to give the information about the companies you have contacted recently as well as their feedback.


If you are unemployed and live in California, you should consider applying for the unemployment benefits. The California’s Employment Development Department has set the eligibility requirements for people who wish to collect the benefits.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Africa-Studio

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