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Undocumented Worker Permits Are Here!

Undocumented Worker Permits Are Here!

Undocumented Workers Have Access to Work Permits

Professional man going over legal paperwork with a magnifying glass and a calculator

Within the next two months, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will review work permits for some undocumented workers. Those who receive a work permit will be able to utilize it for two years. Once it expires, there will be the option to renew. In order to have a chance to have your work permit approved you have to show proof of:
-Being a resident of the US for at least the last five years continuously
-Living in the U.S. before the age of 16 and currently under the age of 30
-Currently in high school, have a High School Diploma or honorably discharged from the U.S. Military
-Good moral character

This may come across as similar to the Dream Act. The Dream Act considers undocumented workers to attend college or obtain a U.S. degree. However, this program, known as “Deferred Action” by DHS, knows that these individuals would be deported, but are deferring deportation.

DHS projects that approximately 800,000 individuals will qualify for this program currently and ¼ of the of the individuals are residents of California. This means there are 200,000 Californians who could be affected by the “Deferred Action” program.
In the upcoming weeks, more information will be available about this program. You can see the original announcement of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s website.

NOTE: Labor Laws can be trick, and there are new laws this year that provide protection . Therefore, if you have any questions or concerns about your employment make sure that you contact a labor law Attorney at UELG . They can help you insure your rights are not being violated and we will never charge a fee. You won’t pay unless they do.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Andrey Popov

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