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The Workers Are Coming – With Permits!

The Workers Are Coming – With Permits!

Group of people in various work uniforms

Work Permits are being made Available for Undocumented Workers

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will be reviewing work permit applications for certain undocumented workers. These work permits will be valid for 2 years and will be eligible for renewal. In order to meet the criteria for review, the undocumented workers must show proof of:
• Continually residing in the US for the last 5 yrs
• having entered the U.S. prior to age 16 and are currently under age 30
• must be in high school, have graduated high school, or received an honorable discharge from the U.S. military
• good moral character
This may sound familiar to the Dream Act which considered requiring undocumented workers to be in college or have a U.S. college degree. The DHS is calling this a “Deferred Action,” recognizing that these individuals are eligible for deportation but that deportation is being deferred.
DHS estimates that nearly 800,000 people currently qualify for this program here in the US and of those almost one fourth reside in California. This means 200,000 Californians could be affected.

The Government will be issuing more details in the ensuing weeks. The initial DHS announcement is available here.
Labor law is complex; if you have any questions regarding your employment please contact our California labor law attorneys at United Employees Law Group for a FREE CASE REVIEW.
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Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Kurhan

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