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Understanding California’s Rules on Collecting Your Final Paycheck

In California, employers are required by law to give their employees their final paycheck after the termination of their employment. …

Employee Rights: Collecting Tips

Photo Credit: pexels-coins-912719_1280   What are tips and gratuities? Tips and gratuities essentially mean the same thing. In their basic definition, …

Your Right to A Timely Paycheck in California

California is a state with many laws that are in favor of the rights of employees. The Federal government has …

Reporting Time Pay in California

There are several things you should know about reporting time pay in California. The law in California has different sections …

California Paycheck Deductions

All employees must be able to know what their wages or salaries are a well as the exact amounts they …

Understanding Your Pay Stub

A good number of employees rarely understand why the money earned is not always 100% of the amount that an …

Understanding Your Paycheck Stub

If you look at your paystub and you’re wondering why you’re not getting as much as your salary is supposed …

California Paycheck Laws

California is one of the most protective states when it comes to the rights of an employee, including to be …

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