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California’s New Bills: Sexual Harassment

California state legislation has been at the forefront by passing several bills that prevent sexual harassment in the workplace as …

Dealing with Illegal Interview Questions

Interview questions are usually meant to establish how suitable the person being interviewed is for the available position. These questions …

New Discrimination & Retaliation Laws in California

The California legislature has passed new laws governing discrimination and retaliation following a number of labor and employment bills signed …

California Drug Testing Laws

If you live in California, it is likely that your potential employer will subject you to drug testing prior to …

The Fair Pay Act Has Reduced Pay Discrimination In California

Employees are essential to any organization or company, but without fair pay, no one would stick around very long. If …

Anti-Bullying Laws in California

Anti-bullying laws have been a widely discussed and debated topic over the last few years due to the rise in …

Gender Identity Discrimination Laws in California

California law protects individuals against discrimination in housing based on perceived or real gender identity discrimination. To successfully pursue any …

Racial Discrimination At The Workplace And How To Mitigate It

There different kinds of people in the workplace. You will realize that different people belong to different races, tribes, religions, …

Illegal Interview Questions and Topics

It is normal that during job interviews, the employer will try to gather as much information as possible about you, …

The Basics of Gender Identity Discrimination Laws

When it comes to gender identity discrimination in California, there is a standing legal prohibition of any discrimination against transgender …

Age Discrimination in the Workplace

According to California labor laws, individuals who are 40 years and above should not be discriminated in their workplaces based …

Disability Discrimination: What to Do

With the upcoming pressure on the mentally impaired and physically disabled, the law enforcing bodies firmly established some laws to …

Employment Discrimination in California

The laws in California are clearly stated on what can and cannot be put into consideration as employments discrimination. There …

What You Need to Know: Pregnancy Discrimination

As a starting point, one thing should be made very clear: You cannot be discriminated against for being pregnant! You …

California Workplace Discrimination and Retaliation Lawyers

Employer Retaliation is Illegal One major problem with respect to California workplace rights is employer retaliation. Retaliating against an employee …

Age Discrimination at the Workplace in California

The United States Federal laws, as well as the California state laws, do not allow any firm to use an …

Employee Favoritism in the Workplace

Seeing favoritism in the workplace can be one of the most demotivating things you might experience. In the workplace, favoritism …

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