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California Labor laws

California’s Laws for Dispersing Tips and Gratuities

Should the employer deduct credit card processing fees from my tips?Any credit card charges (processing fee) are considered as the …

California’s Laws for Dispersing Tips and Gratuities

A tip refers to money voluntarily left by a satisfied customer for an employee for the goods or services rendered. …

Dealing with Illegal Interview Questions

Interview questions are usually meant to establish how suitable the person being interviewed is for the available position. These questions …

California Policy on Paid Time Off

California has no specific legislation regulating paid time off/vacation time. The amount of paid time off/vacation time that an employee …

Lawful Firing Process in California

California law has clearly outlined the reasons for which termination of an individual’s employment is lawful and unlawful. People often …

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) in California

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) gives priority to older employees specifically 40 years and above. They can file …

An Employee’s Guide to Receiving Tips

Photo Credit: pexels-photo-545065   Many workers in California including those who carry luggage, sever and mix drinks, clean hotel rooms among …

Employee Rights: Collecting Tips

Photo Credit: pexels-coins-912719_1280   What are tips and gratuities? Tips and gratuities essentially mean the same thing. In their basic definition, …

Lawful Firing in California

If a worker is not doing the job they are being paid for, then things must be corrected or they …

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