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Smoking Restrictions Laws in California

Smoking Restrictions Laws in California

Gavel on a table

California smoking restrictions have been changing frequently over the years. There were places which were exempt from previous smoking law regulations. For instance, workplaces with less than five workers were exempted from the restrictions.

But, the update of the law nowadays restricts smoking in public places provided there are other people who access the space for services. For example, even if you own a private workplace where you serve clients, you are prohibited from smoking in such a place.

Minimum smoking age

The minimum smoking age in the previous law was at age 18. But, the new California smoking laws have raised the age to 21. If you used to smoke while you were under 18 years, you are not allowed to smoke under the new laws.

Even though the restrictions apply to all workplaces, some employers such as those who run tobacco shops are allowed to accept smoking in specific places. In cabs of large trucks and private smoking lounges, the employers can enjoy smoking. The previous laws did not restrict employers with less than five workers to limit smoking in workplaces.

The employees were also allowed to smoke during breaks. But, the law in California has enacted and prohibited all forms of smoking in the workplace. It is necessary for you to check out the laws and get updated accordingly.

E-cigarettes are put in the same category as tobacco products

The previous laws did not restrict the use of e-cigs and vaporizers in public places. But under the new laws, the use of e-cigarettes has been categorized as tobacco products.

If you used to use your e-cigarettes in public places, then you should be careful because the law has been changed to restrict the use of e-cigarettes in public places. Other incidences where workers can smoke in workplaces include cases where there are no other nonsmoking workers present.

If you own a car or truck with a private space, you can as well designate the place as a smoking zone where your employees can smoke. But, you should ensure the place where you allow smoking is separate from the areas where you serve your customers or where other employees who don’t smoke will come across.

Vaporizers and e-cigarettes are treated the same way tobacco is treated. If you had complied with the past smoking restrictions in Californian, then it is necessary for you to change your workplace policy and ensure you comply so that you can avoid being in the wrong side of the law.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Billion Photos

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