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Three Signs You’re About to get FIRED, and what to do.

Three Signs You’re About to get FIRED, and what to do.

Group that is diverse sitting around on couches with books and papers out

Another Monday comes and you are dreading that return to work. Are you hoping to get laid off? Most of us have a sixth sense about when the ax is about to fall at work. The best time to look for a new job is always when you still have one, so here are three good signs to watch out for. They may give you the chance to turn it around or find a new job before you’re out.

#One, you are suddenly out of the loop

Whether it was company related or personal gossip, you were always in on the talk, but lately you seem to be the last to know.  The water-cooler is a ghost town when you come around and when you ask for details on anything you get the one word answer.

Your job should dictate that you are well informed on financial issues within the department; usually you are given the “bad news” before the companywide memo goes out, but the last round of layoffs came as a complete surprise. This is a very good sign your name is coming to the top of the next round of cuts. You may be able to turn it around, IF you catch on before it’s too late. Bosses don’t usually like being proven wrong, which means you are very unlikely to get them to take it back if they tell you you’re walking. Take action before it’s too late.  If you want to keep your job it’s time to step up your game BEFORE the news comes down!

#Two, You messed up, BIG TIME.

This is real life, not TV.  You cannot burn down the building and hope the laugh track will save you! In the real world there are consequences, or at least there ought to be, for big screw-ups. There are mistakes of course, and in some cases these can be pardoned, but if you were truly negligent and allowed something to happen that you should have prevented, you should expect to face some adverse consequences.

The world may laugh along at The Family Guy’s incompetence, but the rest of us have to hold real jobs. You could easily lose your job over a large mess up, but don’t act like it didn’t happen. If you can make it at least partially right make every effort to do so. Even if you still lose your job, this effort could help you find new employment.

#Three, A Clear Move Toward “New Blood”
If you show up to work and you hardly recognize anyone…You might already be in for it. Often when new management comes in, older employees go out. These new guys come in  with enthusiasm that you can’t match and they seem to be able to do no wrong. Not easy to compete with, so you have two options: step it up big time or look for a new job. The good news, you didn’t get cut in the first round. You may be able to keep your head off the block if you can prove that you can give the new kid a run for his money.

If you have seen the writing on the wall, the choice is yours. Get busy working, or get busy walking! Not all jobs are salvageable, but if you change your attitude about your job you never know how it could actually change.

At United Employees Law Group we specialize in helping employees who are facing illegal action by their employers. If you are facing harassment from a boss who is trying to get you to quit, or you believe you were wrongfully terminated, we want to hear from you.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/

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