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Sexual Harassment is STILL a BIG Problem

Sexual Harassment is STILL a BIG Problem

Professional man about to spank a female coworker


Sexual harassment is one of the most brutal forms of violation of the employee’s rights and their freedoms of work. The employers take advantage of their superior position and exploit the employees who are working under them. But California Law is very strict regarding cases of sexual harassment. The employer is very strictly held liable for sexual harassment of the employee and the law does not provide him with any special defence to protect himself. A victim of sexual harassment at the workplace can recover compensation and wages for her economic losses, emotional stress caused to her, attorney fees and punitive damages from the employer.

Sexual harassment by creating a hostile work environment is very common and in it, an employee finds it difficult to work comfortably. The conduct of the employer is so severe and exploiting that it creates a hostile work environment for the employee. Even the subordinate staff like the co-workers can reflect a behaviour which makes the work environment hostile for the female employee. The female employees are harassed by the fellow employees by passing comments, taunts, ridiculing, intimidating them etc.

But the female employees should know that they have the right to a safe and comfortable work environment and should be active about complaining of such persons who harass them. A single act of harassment can be a sufficient ground to file a lawsuit against such person who does the harassing act. Whether the harassment is subtle or severe, you should complain and raise your voice against such employers or co-workers. Even your fellow female employees can bring a case of sexual harassment if they see you getting harassed and want to help you.

The California Supreme Court has also held that termination and demotion by the employer can also contribute to hostile work environment. Even if the harassment is done by the co-worker, the employer will be under strict liability to avoid such instances in his organisation. California provides strong rules to combat sexual harassment of female employees and they should not be afraid to file the case and fight back.

United Employees Law group provides expert advice to the female employees on matters of sexual harassment at the workplace and advises them how to deal with such issues. We offer free and confidential consultation. Sexual harassment is a serious crime which should be fought with confidence and experience.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Dmytro Zinkevych

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