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Sexual Discrimination in the Workplace

Sexual Discrimination in the Workplace

Professional man about to spank a female coworker

In every work environment, there are various forms of discrimination that usually take place. The most common is the sexual discrimination in the workplace. Though most people see it as a form of discrimination that only happens to female employees, sexual discrimination also happens to male employees. Another common myth is that sexual discrimination only applies between an employer and an employee. However, this particular discrimination can range from bosses to fellow co-workers or part-time employees.

Sexual discrimination within the workplace, also known as gender-based harassment, can be said to be the discrimination against an individual based on their sexual orientation. For a male dominated the workplace, the female employee might be discriminated against when it comes to allocation of duties. It’s a criminal offence to discriminate against anyone in the place of work as a result of his or her sex. This type of discrimination can be direct or indirect. Direct discrimination is where an employee gets mistreated because of their sex. The indirect sexual discrimination within the workplace occurs when the employers presume what kind of work a particular gender can or cannot do.

The different scenarios of sexual discrimination within the workplace can be one of the following. When someone within the workplace makes unwanted advances in exchange for promotions or keeping your job, using your private information so as to coerce sexual favors, or sexually charged workplace scenarios. These scenarios include offensive jokes get shared throughout the workplace, harassment through social media, or asking offensive sexual inquiries about your sexual identity. Other firms go an extra mile and have different payment rate for men and women. There are other companies that fail to promote women assuming that the male staff won’t respect her as the manager.

The consequence of sexual discrimination within the workplace in California is punishable by law. A firm that practices it might be forced to pay the damages or compensate for any losses the employee suffered. In California, there are laws that protect employees from the degradation that comes with sexual discrimination within the workplace. Though it might be difficult to measure the value on an employee’s feelings and the effect of sexual discrimination, the employment law in California tries to protect employees. The California law prohibits sexual discrimination in both private and public workplaces.

If you, or someone you know, are facing legal issues in the workplace United Employees Law Group has the answers. Call Today for your free and confidential case review. Please feel free to CONTACT US with any questions about this blog or your exact situation.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Dmytro Zinkevych

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