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How Claims are Selected for Prosecution

How Claims are Selected for Prosecution

Older man and young woman looking at paperwork at a desk

United Employees Law Group through this blog, its website and direct discussions by phone, provides information on a multitude of employment issues to those seeking help with California Labor Law issues.

The laws and rules dealing with employment are extensive and complicated. Although there maybe “quick answers” those answers may only scratch the surface and may not provide adequate guidance without a more thorough review. In many instances there is substantial money at stake not to mention other important rights that should be protected.

When someone calls us looking for help, we understand that they are trying to navigate an unfamiliar area where the stakes are high.

This firm has prosecuted well over 1000 cases. Some of which include class action cases against some of the largest Fortune 500 companies. Each of these cases requires an investment of substantial economic resources. This requires that we selectively choose those cases we believe have the greatest chance of success.

To better understand the process the following is an overview of how we proceed when someone seeking help contacts us.


United Employees Law Group prescreens all clients before their case is accepted. Potential clients are taken through an in-depth analysis to determine the strength and value of their claim.


Potential clients are required to send in initial documents for preliminary review. Documents may include pay stubs, job descriptions, along with an employee handbook and evaluations.


All information provided by the potential client then goes through a final review to determine if the case can be accepted.


If the case is accepted, a fee agreement is sent to the client, this agreement sets out the scope of services, the clients’ responsibilities and the fees charged. All expenses are advanced by the law firm. No fee or costs advanced are collected, except out of monies recovered by the client. In other words, all work is done and expenses are incurred at the sole risk of the law firm.


The first step is to record all information in a specialized computer program that coordinates calendared deadlines, phone calls, meetings and to do’s. This information is continually being updated as the case progresses. This same program cross-references all documents and contact information of all parties. For example, the initial steps scheduled include the preparation of various letters along with the entry of a follow-up date.


A notice is sent to the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency as well as a letter to the employer explaining the nature of the claim and an offer of early resolution.

An investigation of the employer is conducted and a detailed computation is made of unpaid wages, interest and penalties.


Numerous contacts and discussions are made with client in order to refine the information necessary to evaluate the value of the claim and to answer questions that the client may have and to discuss the client’s settlement objectives.


An old and true military motto from Flavius Vegetius, Renatus circa 375 AD: says “If you want peace, prepare for war.” 

This is also good advice when it comes to fighting for the rights of our clients. It is for this reason that we prepare for the possibility that our resolve will be tested and we therefore work closely with our clients to gather facts, documents and witnesses. Although this requires work from both our client and our firm the results are well worth the effort.


Because this is an unfamiliar process most clients are naturally apprehensive about the prospect that this matter may go all the way to trial. Although a substantial amount of work is done in anticipation of a possible trial, it is much more likely that a settlement will be reached and a trial will not be required. As a matter of fact over 95% of all cases are successfully resolved by settlement between the parties.


Because California Labor Law is complex and could involve substantial sums of money it is important that you seek advice from a California Labor Law Attorney. In most instances this service is provided without charge so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ goodluz

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