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San Jose Labor Law and the Science of Overtime

San Jose Labor Law and the Science of Overtime

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California labor law and California overtime issues are rumbling the science world. Many employees that have a high job title and income are considered exempt, or not entitled to overtime pay, when in reality they should be.

If you work as a research scientist, associate, technician, or laboratory technician or analyst, or a quality analyst you are more than likely entitled to overtime pay. Your employer is the one who is responsible for time keeping records. Therefore, if you are misclassified and determined to be exempt when you really are entitled to overtime pay the blame falls on your employer. When you go in front of a judge, you have to make sure that you have kept track of your hours worked so you can have proof for the courts, but we have ways to help you prove these hours.

For too long large pharmaceutical companies have just classified these types of employees as exempt and not entitled to overtime pay. Usually, the majority of these employees are entitled to overtime pay because they do not meet the criteria’s that it takes for an employee to be exempt.
If you are an employee who holds one of these job titles and have not been paid overtime you could have your overtime paid to you from your employer for up to four years! This may even include interest and penalties. Additionally, when you take an overtime claim to court you will be reimbursed your attorney’s fees too.

Bottom Line
If you have had your labor law rights violated you need to take action. What they have done to you is illegal and wrong. At our law firm, we have handled more than 1500 cases and we can help you too. We have no problem taking some of the largest corporations in the nation to court to help you get what is rightfully yours.
If you believe that, you have a claim; contact an attorney as soon as possible, because there is a time limit on when you can file the claim. If you are unsure, contact our San Jose labor law attorneys at UELG to schedule a free and no obligation consultation to have them review your case.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Stock-Asso

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