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5 Rules All Employees MUST KNOW About Sexual Harassment

5 Rules All Employees MUST KNOW About Sexual Harassment

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In California every employee is promised a protected environment to work whether it comes to labor laws or ethical protection such as from the sexual harassment. When it comes to sexual harassment many employees are unaware of their rights and we can divide those into five questions or basic points that are asked in regard to this very frequently.
Who can sue?
When it comes to suing the harasser the main thing to keep in mind is that if you are working at some place and there is someone who is harassing you sexually and making it uncomfortable for you to work there, you can sue that person. The other is, that a harasser may be of the opposite sex or of the same sex as the plaintiff.
Can employee only sue if there is touching?
NO, physical touch is NOT a requisite for a harassment suit. Sometimes, sexual harassing is done by an employer him/herself such that they require sexual favors form the employee in return of some opportunities such as promotion etc. There are many inappropriate behaviors that are counted in as sexual harassment which require no touch, such as: sexual comments, visual harassment, putting up of offensive posters, repeating inappropriate sexual jokes etc.
What relationships are covered in sexual harassment policy?
Sexual harassment victims are not only found in the workplace there are many relations such as business relations and service relationships etc. can also give you insight to the places where people are sexually harassed. For the complete details on the relationship of the harasser and victim see California Civil Code of Procedure 51.9.
Is it necessary that the employee is a direct victim?
Some people think that if, and only if you yourself have been targeted then it is allowed for you to sue the harasser, but that is not the case. Sometimes people harass others around you that consequently affect your performance adversely then you are also permitted to submit a case of sexual harassment as you are also mentally targeted and a victim of that harassment as in Hostile Environment.
Is the employees’ case “weak” if there is no witness?
Many victims of sexual harassment stay quiet because they fear that there is no witness to back up their claim and therefore would be fruitless. This is not the case, if the petitioner being the victim is more credible than the defendant in every aspect then he/ she could win even without any witness.

If you or someone you know is being harassed at work you need the right lawyer right away, there are time limits for filing a complaint and you are likely not the only victim. Call Us TODAY at United Employees Law Group 1(415) 230-2755

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ create jobs 51

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