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Don’t Ignore Discrimination at Work!

Don’t Ignore Discrimination at Work!

Young professional women being accosted by businessmen at a conference table


Employment discrimination is grossly against the public policy of California. Many people do not understand the exact meaning of employment discrimination. It does not mean an employer has to be fair and respectful towards every employee. Workplace discrimination means the employer treats one person differently from others who are not in the same group, but are working together.

The workplace discrimination that is illegal and impermissible is the discrimination that is against public policy. Public policy includes the rules which prohibit discrimination against people in protected groups, which include sex, race, nationality, gender, age, religion, marital status etc.

An employer cannot change the terms of employment or terminate an employee if the reason for the termination is against the law or against public policy. An employer cannot increase your workload or work pressure because of your race, sex, nationality, religion, etc. and any such discriminative reasons.

The discrimination practiced in the work place by the employer is very unacceptable and makes the work environment hostile for the employees. This renders them unable to work with peace and dignity. Employees should raise voice against wrongful discrimination and make the employers pay for the inconvenience caused by them. Other employees who witness the discrimination being inflicted upon the victim employee should also rise in his support and support him in filing a suit against the employer.

There are various ways of enforcing these rights which will depend on the particular discrimination practiced by the employer. The most prevalent type of discrimination is the discrimination based on sex, race, nationality, gender, physical disability, age, religion, or marital status. To maintain a claim against this kind of discrimination, a person must file a claim with a government agency before he or she can file a lawsuit in the court.

 Most of these laws apply to those employers who have 15 employees or more working under them. The entire process can take a very long time, and in the end, it is very unlikely that the government agency will pursue the case further. The slow economy has left most of the state agencies with smaller staff, larger workloads, and not enough funds and money to complete their duties. As a result, people who have been victims of discrimination will need to pursue their cases using an expert attorney. United Employees Law Group will provide you appropriate expert advice on how to file your claim so that you get speedy justice.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/fizkes

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