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Times, They Aren’t A Changin’: Discrimination at Work

Times, They Aren’t A Changin’: Discrimination at Work

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Years go by, but some things never seem to change. No matter how many new laws are put in place to protect people, there are still those willing to act with bigotry and malice toward their fellow man.  There were several new and updated labor regulations passed last year and yet many employers continue to violate these laws and mistreat employees on a regular basis.

Are you wondering if you are being discriminated against? Have you been treated unfairly, but aren’t sure if you have an actual discrimination case? United Employees Law Group has been helping employees prove and win cases of discrimination long enough to know the ins and outs, but more importantly we know that most people willing to break the law don’t just break one. We will go through your case with a fine tooth comb and determine ALL areas of violation being perpetrated by your employer.  It doesn’t need to be just your current job either.  In California you have up to 4 years to file a case against your employer for labor code violations, which means everything from discrimination to overtime violations or unpaid final wages.

Below are some of the common complaints and issues we see that can be addressed through the law:

•             Hateful or hurtful speech, jokes repeatedly made at ones expense based on a difference.

•             Obvious preferential treatment for an individual or group excluding others.

•             A supervisor who fails to or refuses to address the problems posed by an employee.

•             Shifting or changing company policy to suddenly affect only a specific group of employees.

•             Problems between employees that are personal in nature and go unresolved.

If any of this sounds familiar then you may have a good case for a discrimination claim.  Whether you still work there or were wrongfully terminated, you need the right attorney to help you navigate these rough waters. Call now before any more time slips away.  You have a limited time to file, and the sooner you do the more you are likely to be able to collect.

Your call is completely free and confidential, don’t wait!

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Vlad Teodor

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