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Racial Harassment

Racial Harassment

Man and son working in a woodshop

In the workplace environment, different types of harassment take place and racial harassment has become rampant. Racial harassment is defined as any unwelcome behavior that occurs to a person because of their race, color, or creed, place of origin or citizenship. When someone treats you unfairly based on their perception of the stated factors, racial harassment has occurred. Racial harassment at the place of work always results in a hostile environment where the victim finds it hard to operate.

Although most laws don’t openly declare racial harassment as illegal, courts always classify it as a form of race discrimination that violates the law that prohibits discrimination in the place of work.

Employees get protected under the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 1964. The act protects people from any discrimination based on race. Under the Act, an employer can’t discriminate against a person based on their race when it comes to hiring, firing, promotions, and other job opportunities in an organization.

The above Act protects all employees in the private sector, state and local government as well as in educational institutions with fifteen or more employees. Employees in labor organizations and agencies also get covered under the Act.

Examples of racial harassment can be broad and includes many kinds of the conduct of a racial nature, of which the behavior is unwelcome and also pervasive or severe. Some of the behaviors that might be said to be forms of racial harassment include the following:

Nonverbal conduct-They include derogatory gestures as well as facial expressions that are of a racial nature like stalking or following you.

Verbal or written conduct-These are any comments that relate to clothing, someone’s body, personal behavior that are racial or making race-based jokes. Others that fall here include telling rumors about someone’s personal life about their race and organized hate activity aimed at employees.

Visual displays-The exhibits include making posters, pictures, e-mails, drawings or screensavers of any racial nature; making of epithets scrawled on your employer’s property or other items known to carry some racial significance.

Physical conduct-It will be any physical assault done on someone based on their race. It includes rape or assault, blocking one’s movements or inappropriately touching of someone’s body.

If you, or someone you know, are facing legal issues in the workplace, United Employees Law Group has the answers. Call Today for your free and confidential case review. Please feel free to CONTACT US with any questions about this blog or your exact situation.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Syda Productions

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