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All About Pregnancy Leave in California

All About Pregnancy Leave in California

California has the most wide-ranging set of laws protecting women during pregnancy leave or maternity leave. The California Family Rights Act provides significantly longer job protection in the event of pregnancy complications, followed by an extended maternity leave.

Should this situation arise, the extended job protection will be honored.But can you afford all the time away from work? You can if you plan, then act accordingly.

California Family Rights Act

The California Family Law Act is similar to the Federal Family Leave Act for the care of a child in that it allows twelve weeks of unpaid leave, which is considered a vacation protected by work. Both laws apply only to employers with more than fifty employees.

The law of California is different in how a lack of work for your disability is treated. Suppose you are experiencing pregnancy complications and must leave work twelve weeks before your delivery. By the Federal Law, you will use your protected time from work.

The law of California does not take into account the time from work on your disability. This is considered by the Disability Abatement Act in California.

Seven Months of Pregnancy Leave

You will receive seven months of part-time leave with specified protection: four months before the birth if complications arise, plus six weeks to recover from childbirth, plus six weeks of communication with the child.

The California SDI and Paid Family Leave provide a partial payment of 55% for seven months, if necessary.

Will I Lose My House?

The good news is the laws of California, which protects your work for a long time at a partial payment. If this happens to you, and you are right, will your job still be there for you? Can you make your mortgage payments in seven months with a 45% reduction in wages?

While pregnant, it is important to know that you employer can only change your position and job responsibilities if your pregnancy makes you unable to perform your required duties.

Through the actual maternity leave, your employer is obligated to reimburse you the equivalent amount of what you would receive on short term disability. Upon completion of the 12 weeks, your employer is obligated to restore you to the same pay and the same or equivalent position as your old job.

What Will Determine Your Benefits

In 2002, California led the way to take paid family leave, and other states, such as Massachusetts and New Jersey, take into account the next lawsuit. And not all states allow women to take short-term disability leave to cover childbirth, childbirth and post-natal recovery.

Your employer may have practices that dictate the order in which you can take different types maternity or pregnancy leave. In any case, you will want to start exploring your options as soon as you can. During your pregnancy, make sure that all your documents are ready and assembled before the baby’s arrival.

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