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Performance Improvement Plans

Performance Improvement Plans

Professional men shaking hands at a table with lady sitting next to them

Performance Improvement Plans are used to improve employee performance, modify behavior and correct discrepancies. Employees put under the PIP have their work closely monitored. However to employees the PIP is not really a positive thing. It should be considered as a final warning or the last step to being fired. Frequently, PIP is used by most managers, especially in cop-orates and private industries to sabotage their employees’ future in the work places. Employees perceive it as the company’s way of gathering additional evidence to get them fired

Risk involved:
Protesting the PIP

Employees should avoid over reaction and use the proper ways to protest. You should seek to set the record straight on issues such as; the set PIP goals cannot be achieved, the facts used in the evaluation were false or the manager’s motive is inappropriate. If you believe that the PIP has an unlawful bias from the manager or is unethical, then they need assistance in reporting and documenting the process outside the workplace.
Refusing to sign

Failure by you to sign the PIP displays an act of insubordination or a voluntary quit. It is better for you to sign under protest and add a line such as; I protest the PIP, I am not in agreement with the content, I intend to present a formal complaint or I am not in agreement with the content but my signature indicates that I have received the document.

Not only is quitting the worst response to PIP, but it will also make you lose your income, disqualify you from unemployment benefits and will also compromise legal your potential legal claims. You should seek an employment lawyer so as to act accordingly and prevent your actions from being interpreted as insubordination or a voluntary quit. As an employee, you could also consider the following:
Getting serious

As your performance has been already below expectations, you should get working and put extra effort. You have to help yourself out of this situation even if it means requesting the manager for additional training. This may boost your efficiency and effectiveness in doing the work.
Start a job search

As the outcome of the PIP is uncertain you can begin a job search. You should update your resume and build your networking skills, should things turn out negatively, you will be prepared.
Move forward

When it becomes evident that the job is clearly not your right fit, it is wise to discuss an exit strategy with your manager. Creating an open dialogue will help you earn a little more leeway and help you move on in your own terms. You can negotiate the time of your departure from the company and the type of future reference that you want.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/g-stockstudio

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