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Who Gets A Pay Raise in CALIFORNIA?

Who Gets A Pay Raise in CALIFORNIA?

Computer Professionals and Some Medical Professionals Receive a Raise in California

Woman counting money

Physicians, surgeons, and computer software professionals are excluded from overtime pay when they meet the lowest state prerequisites for salary. The state’s labor codes require that these occupations be paid a minimum hourly and monthly rate. In the event that these pay requirements are not met, they are qualified to receive overtime pay. However, they still have to meet the exemption necessities outlined by the state. These requirements are for the profession responsibilities and the functions of the employees. If you just call a worker a PC expert, that is not enough.

California Labor Code Sections 515.5

CPU software field employees are exempt from the prerequisite that an overtime rate of money be paid in accordance to Section 510 if everything listed below applies:
The worker is predominantly working intellectually or creatively and is required to use independent judgment
The worker predominantly does job duties that fit the description of at least one of the statements listed below:
Applies system analysis methods and techniques such as, consultation and determining system function, software, or hardware specifications
Tests, creates, designs, develops, documents, analyzes, or modifies CPU structures or platforms related to user or system design systems
Documents, tests, creates or modifies computer programs in relation to the design of software/hardware for computer operating systems.
The employee is skilled and proficient in theoretical and practical application of highly specialized information relating to computer systems analysis, programing or software engineering. Job titles do not play a role in whether or not this exemption is applicable.

Computer Software
Since January 2013 there has been a $1.01 increase in the hourly rate for computer professionals, which makes their new per hour rate $39.90. Their monthly rate increased by $175.56, which makes their new monthly rate $6,927.75. The annual rate increased by $2,106.68, which makes their new annual rate $83,132.93.

Licensed Medical Professionals
In January 2012 the hourly rate for physicians and surgeons increased by $1.84, which makes their per hour rate $72.70.
Bottom Line
Labor laws can be complex. However, if you have questions or concerns about your employment situation it is advised that  you to contact a labor law lawyer so they can help you understand your rights and receive the money that is rightfully yours. My team at Unitend Employees Law Group will always review your case for free. Call today, as your time to file is limited.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ptnphoto

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