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Part-Time Employee Benefits

Part-Time Employee Benefits

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It is confusing when trying to assess part-time employee benefits in the United States. This is because the state does not offer clear guideline on what benefits part time employees can be offered. Employers have great flexibility when it comes to the type of benefits they will give to their employees.

Before you hire a part time employee, it is very necessary for you to specify the number of hours you will expect the employee to work in a given day. Most employers offer 20 hours of work per week. The United States bureau of statistics and economics describes part time workers as employees who work for a maximum of 34 hours in a week. The federal wage, hour law and fair labor standards does not declare the maximum number of hours a part time employee will work per week.

It does not matter the type of benefit you offer your employees. You may be offering benefits such as workers compensation, social security, insurance, disability insurance among other benefits. You should design your package in such a way you will attract more qualified employees to stick to your company and avoid your competitors who may be after stealing them from your company.

Factors to consider when coming up with employees benefits

Health Insurance

Health insurance can be offered to full time employees as well as part time employees. The way you will structure the benefits will make part time employees stick to your company. There are provisions such as affordable care act which define how the package can be offered to your employees.

Retirement Plans

Under the employee retirement income security act, small business owners are required to include part time employees in a retirement plan such as 401(k). This will depend on the number of hours the employee will work per week. This is just like the case of health insurance.

Unemployment Benefits

The part time employees will be required by law to access part time benefits as per the state which they work in. In order to get all details about the type of benefits you will access, just refer to the state agency.

Overtime Laws

Just like full time employees are paid overtime, the part time employees should be paid basing on the same formula. Any hours beyond 40 hours of work time in a week should be paid at a rate one and half times the usual rates the employees are paid.

Special Benefits

Some of the special benefits offered to part time employee include sick days, paid vacation, personal days, telecommuting option, reimbursement, tickets to sporting events among other benefits. The number of hours an employee work in a week defines the way the benefits will be offered.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/speedkingz

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