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Overview of At Will Employment

Overview of At Will Employment

Man and woman signing legal paperwork

What is at will employment?

Basically, at will employment refers to a form of hiring in which the employer is free to terminate the employee on their own basis without proper grounds of termination. In this regard, the person hired is referred to as at will employee while the person or rather the party hiring is referred to as at will employer. In most cases, most states particularly in the United States presume every employee as an at will employee until when probation period ends and a legal or formal employment contract is entered. Before accepting to become an at will employee, it always prudent to know beforehand some of the major challenges and issues oscillating around at will employment. The following is a brief overview of the limitations, types of agreements and rights relating to at will employment:

Types of contracts/agreements regarding at will employment.

There are two types of agreements or contracts that are predominant in at will employment. One is the Express contract/agreements which stipulate that all employers should always have good cause before terminating their employees from work. Two is the Implied-In-Facts contracts or agreements which assume that a contract or an agreement may have been reached between the employer and the employee based on the conduct of the two parties.

Major limitations of at will employment.

There are also certain spelt out limitations that have been embraced by different states regarding at will employment. Some of these limitations may vary from one state to another. They include but not limited to the following:

-Public policy limitations

-Statutes/limitations protecting union activity

-Political activities limitations

-Statutory limitations among other limitations.

All these limitations are faceted towards protecting at will employees from being terminated from work on unfair grounds.

Important rights regarding at will employment.

Even though employers may fire employees on grounds that they are at will employees, it is prudent to note that there are certain rights that can prevent them from doing so. In this case, employers are limited from terminating employees without tangible reasons and evidences. According to the legal provisions stipulated by different states in the United States, all at will employees have a right not to be terminated or fired by their employers based on their age, race, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, religion, pregnancy, refusing to break the law, taking leave under the Family and Medical leave act or in retaliation for filling a discrimination claim. When the employer infringes on these rights, the employee are free to file a case via an experienced attorney.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/88studio

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