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Overview of Dress Code Laws

Overview of Dress Code Laws

A workplace comprises of people of different genders and religion. Therefore the way they dress will be different from each other. However, in most workplaces, employers dictate a dress code that their employees should follow. For instance, some employers regulate the wearing of specific clothing in the workplace. Also, employers regulate piercing, tattoos, makeups, hair, and nails. It is legal for the employer to dictate the dress code requirement for his employees. However, it becomes illegal if the dress code is discriminative. However, the law has been revised in such a way that even if the code seems discriminative, but is a safety measure, then the court is likely to side with the employer. The dress code and grooming laws in a workplace are laws that give employers the authority to decide how their employees should dress. There are those who like it professional while there are those that love it casual. Here are the most frequently asked questions.

Can an employer dictate how I dress?
A: Yes, your employer can determine how you dress. He /she is even allowed by the law to do so. It is common to see people dressed in suits while at the office. Most employers require formal and professional attire, but there are those that prefer to keep it casual. For instance, a sports-themed workplace does not require people to wear suits, they can wear tracksuits. However, the dress codes become illegal if they are discriminative of gender or religion.

Is it legal for an employer to have dress codes for women but not men? 
A: No, it is very illegal to have dress codes targeting only one specific gender. The dress codes should be universal, in that it targets and should be adhered to by everyone in the workplace.

Is it legal for employers to allow women to wear long hair but not men? 
A: Yes, it is legal and allowed. Employers are given the mandate to dictate different dress codes for women and men. However, the code should not seem discriminative on either gender in the workplace.

Can an employer make a female employee wear a sexy uniform?
A: The answer here is yes and no. If your job requires you to have a sexy or revealing attire, then the employer has the right to make you wear one. An excellent example of such a job is casino and bars. However, if the job does not require you to dress sexy, then that becomes sexual harassment.


United employees law group (UELG) is a law firm in California that is dedicated to helping employees whose rights have been discriminated by their employers. They will surely help you if you have any dress code cases

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