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Overtime Laws

California overtime laws and meal and break laws exist to protect workers from abuses at work. In the list below, I have given a brief outline of the California overtime and meal and break regulations your company may be violating.

Overtime Laws 101

If you think you have an overtime claim call our California labor law offices, we will review your case for free.

California Minimum Wage: As of January 1, 2019 California minimum wage is $12 an hour

California Time and a Half:When working overtime California employers are required to pay one and a half times your hour rate. Unlike federal law which dictates overtime is after 40 hours a week, in California, it is ALSO after 8 hours in a single work day.

California Double Time:After working 12 hours in a 24 hour period you are entitled to twice your normal hourly rate as a California employee

California Seventh Day Rule:California workers also have protection for working seven consecutive days in which case the entire 7th day must be paid at time and a half, and double time after 8 hours.

Working Off The Clock: Don’t do it! California labor laws dictate, you cannot be required to finish “closing duties,” change into a uniform at work or otherwise complete your job while being clocked out. If you are forced to do it, document it, and call us.

On Call or Standby Pay: According to California law, you must be paid while under the control of an employer. Employees on “standby” or “on call” status usually fall under this rule and are frequently entitled to compensation.

Meals and Breaks: California law provides that if you work over 5 hours in a day, you are entitled to an uninterrupted 30 minute lunch break by the end of the 5th hour of work. In addition you are entitled to a 10 minute paid rest break after each 3.5 hours worked. If you work in excess of 10 hours you are entitled to a second uninterrupted 30 minute meal break. While these California overtime rules may appear fairly straightforward on the surface, many times they are more complex than you might think. If you think your employer could be violating the California overtime or meal and break laws, my team and I are waiting and ready to assist you. Contact us today for a free evaluation of your claim.

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