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Are you getting overtime on your commission this Christmas?

Are you getting overtime on your commission this Christmas?

Christmas shopping with the family

So many regular and seasonal workers get both overtime and commission or bonus pay during the holidays. Are you one of them? Did you know you could be owed overtime pay ON your COMMISSION?!

That’s right, your overtime pay may not be based on just your base hourly pay; in some cases the commission and bonuses you receive are supposed to be added in before determining your overtime rate.  That means your time and a half or double time may be even higher than you think.

Want a bigger paycheck, check this out:

Let’s say you get paid $10 per hour and you are working two hours of overtime each day during the holiday season. At time and a half you’d expect to get $15 dollars an hour for those two hours right?

BUT, let’s say you made $400 commission in that two week pay period. If you worked 10 hours a day, five days a week, that’s 50 hours a week or 100 hours for the two week pay period.

Now divide the $400 commission over the 100 hours; that comes out to an extra $4 an hour. Now your overtime hours are worth $21, and double time is worth $28 an hour. That’s an extra $120 per pay period. I’m sure you’d like that extra cash right now, or any day for that matter.

Many companies, big and small, fail to calculate their employees’ overtime correctly.  Claiming ignorance is no excuse.  It is your payroll department’s job to pay you properly. Unfortunately, unless the employees suspect something is wrong and raise the question, it will just continue.

There are exceptions to this simple rule and you can see more information about the specific employees who are Exempt from overtime here.

If you are receiving overtime and you also get regular periodic bonuses or commissions, you need to make sure you are getting paid everything you are owed. Let the experienced team at United Employees Law Group review your case for free.

Call today before time runs out.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Iakov Filimonov

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