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Oral/Verbal Agreements in California

Oral/Verbal Agreements in California

Man explaining legal paperwork to another man while he signs it

An oral agreement is a contract that have been agreed by two different peoples or groups, via spoken communication. Oral agreement is quite different to a written agreement, in which the contract is a written report/document. Oral agreements are enforced in California. This is why you need to know and understand the basics of oral agreements and how it is enforced in this state.

Are All Oral Agreements Enforceable in California?

Generally speaking, oral agreement is indeed legally enforceable. Even though for other complicated contracts, consisting of the ones in complex business transactions, the contractual parties will create agreements in writing so as to avoid any conflict regarding the given terms.

However, certain contracts ought to be in writing so as to be legally enforceable. For instance, the ones developing rights and responsibilities in and over legal properties should put the agreement in writing to be legally enforceable.

Do you Need a Written agreement in California?

Contrary to what most people believe, informal exchange of words and promises can still be used as a valid contract in California courts. This also means that it is considered as valid as any written contract. Spoken contract is also known as an “oral contract,” or a “verbal agreement.” It is important to know that verbal agreement makes use of words and phrases. All oral contracts as well as written contracts are classified under verbal contracts.

Courts in California have commonly ruled that if the mentioned parties have acted as though there has been a formal contract that is written and signed, then the agreement exists. However, most court jurisdictions in California require a signed document for certain types of contracts (eg. real estate transactions). This law is commonly referred to as state of frauds. The Statute of Frauds prevents false allegations of excising contracts that were not there before

When is a Written Settlement Void?

Also know that in any California court, having a written contract doesn’t necessarily ensure its validity or enforceability in any way. A contract can be deemed as unenforceable if it involves the other party to do an illegal act, it it was signed and agreed on while the person is intoxicated or drugged, if there is an extreme disparity between the two parties and the weaker group being given onerous terms, and many more.

Implied and Expressed Terms Definitions in Contracts

Express terms- Are expressed terms that have been used by the 2 parties in writing, or even orally inside the agreement.

Implied Terms-These are terms which have in no way been expressly noted by the parties. The terms are implied by the parties either by customs or law.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Africa Studio

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