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We Do Not Work in the Wild West!

We Do Not Work in the Wild West!

Group that is diverse sitting around on couches with books and papers out

We may live in the wild west, but as an employee in the great state of California we all have rights; rights that have been carefully constructed and governed by the Labor Code of California. The unfortunate truth is, a good number of violations go unchecked and unaccounted for every year because the employees who experience the abuse either don’t know their rights or fear retaliation if they speak up.

In many cases these violations begin small such as being asked to take care of some small task after you have already clocked out at work. But these kinds of small infractions can quickly grow to larger abuses of you time, your paycheck or your person. All too often it is the victim who keeps quiet for fear that THEY will be the one who faces adverse consequences if they make waves. This is especially true in cases where there are long standing practices favoring certain employee’s rights over others.  Thankfully you live and work in California and we have strong whistle blower and anti-retaliation laws to protect you if this sounds al too familiar. In fact there were new laws added this year to strengthen the resolve of employees who have had enough.

NOW IS THE TIME! Were you fired, threatened with termination, suspension, demotion, abused or retaliated against after you spoke out or filed a complaint against a supervisor or coworker? Even if you made a complaint on behalf of a coworker and the abuse was not against you, you are still protected by the anti-retaliation protections under the California labor code. work, this is also protected activity.

Any of the following would be covered and protected activity:

-If you filed a complaint of wage violations
-If you took time off to serve on a jury
-If you file a complaint about being forced to work in unsafe conditions or around hazardous materials without proper procedure,
-or if you refused to complete your work duties in the vicinity of ANYTHING that could be hazardous.

If an of this rings true for you, you must take action quickly you only have a limited amount of time to file a complaint, whether it is wrongful termination, discrimination, retaliation or wage violation, the experienced attorneys of UELG are here to help and answer all your questions along the way.

Call UELG TODAY for your no cost, no risk case review.

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