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Teens in the Workforce

Truth be told, I have wondered “Why don’t more kids have jobs these days?” Maybe the problem isn’t their lack of interest but the discriminating workforce. The EEOC has upped their interest and response to issues for young workers. The launch of a new initiative called Youth@Work Initiative, was created to help educate students in the workplace with regards to their rights on the job, as well as their responsibilities. As part of this new initiative the EEOC invited representatives of the teen community to participate in open discussions with leadership to help find solutions to the discrimination and mistreatment teens face at work.

The renewed efforts to help young workers were integral in winning a $1 million settlement of a wide spread sexual harassment suit against the owner of McDonald’s for failing to stop the harassment of female workers some of whom were teen workers.

Speak Like and American? Speech discrimination

Though this country was founded by immigrants we still seem to some prejudices in the work place when it comes to the way an employee speaks. Perhaps it is a problem that stems from the anger over jobs being outsourced to other countries and putting Americans out of work, or wondering whether or not a worker is legally here. The EEOC is fielding increased complaints of national origin discrimination. Since 1997 these complaints have increase more than 75%.

The case of FedEx driver Ismail Aliyev shows this type of discrimination loud and clear. The suit filed sited that Aliyev was fired for his Russian accent. They claimed that his English though understandable was a concern.

If you are facing discrimination at work you need help NOW!

Call United Employees Law Group today and get your free and confidential case review.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Monkey Business Images (2)

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