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New California Bills Passed: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

New California Bills Passed: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Photo Credit: Ditty_about_summer /


In order to encourage a safe and friendly working environment, the CA state legislature has passed several bills which are meant to curb sexual harassment in the workplace. The bills were signed on September 30th, 2018 by the California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

The act mainly intends to protect women and children who are at risk of sexual harassment and any kind of discrimination at their workplaces. Apart from the harassment, the bills also address a number of issues at workplaces including:

  • Sexual harassment training
  • Professional liability
  • Encourages whistleblower protections


Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

According to the new bills, it is unlawful for an employer or any other employment agency to discriminate and harass employees. The act, which is enshrined in the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), requires employers to take drastic actions that will prevent harassment and discrimination from occurring at their workplaces.

Some forms of prohibitive harassment that have been outlined by the law include gender-based harassment, sexually-motivated harassment, and pregnancy-based harassment.


Whistleblower Protection

The new bill is also designed to protect the interest of the employees who report any form of sexual harassment or discrimination. The bill protects the whistleblowers from being intimidated, dismissed from the job, or undergoing any form of punishment because of reporting a harassment case at the workplace.


Bystander Intervention Training

The act also requires employers who have more than 50 employees to train their supervisors on the issues of sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination. The training should be done within six months after one has assumed the supervisory role in the organization. This act also requires employers to train their employees on appropriate intervention moves that can prevent further harassment. The skills may cover both physical and mental intervention moves.


The Issue of Minors

FEHA also intend to protect minors who are already working in the entertainment industry. The act requires all the talent agencies to train minors on the issues of sexual harassment and discrimination. The agencies should provide adequate materials that contain these training. The content of the training should be provided in a language that can be understood by minors. They must also be trained on how to respond to incidents of harassment.



The Department of Fair Employment and Housing had been mandated with the responsibility of enforcing the FEHA act. It will receive, investigate and prosecute complaints regarding harassment.





How UELG Can Help You!

United Employees Law Group (UELG) is a law firm that is dedicated to helping employees who are facing all forms of harassment and discrimination at their workplaces. You only need to consult us and we will embark on a process that will ensure you get justice. Give us a call today!

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