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Los Angeles Employees Fight Back

Los Angeles Employees Fight Back

Young professional woman with boxing gloves punching young professional man

So you got FIRED, but Did Your Boss do Anything Wrong?

Let’s be honest, pretty much everyone has been fired at some point and most of the time there is no legal recourse, there a million reasons to fire someone and most of them perfectly legal. Of course when you are on the receiving end of getting dumped it’s never pleasant, but was it legal? That is the question you really need to answer. If you were fired without proper cause or in some cases even improper procedure can mean you have a wrongful termination case. More importantly many people who call us out of frustration over being fired actually find they have additional complaints as well such as wage violations or discrimination violations.

It often takes the upheaval of being fired to wake us up to all the little wrongs adding up to big compensation. You may not notice you are being shorted on overtime or that your company’s policy of taking away accrued vacation days is not legal. That is where UELG comes in. We have spent decades deciphering these issues and we know how to ask the right questions and collect the right evidence to support the largest claim.

At the end of the day no company can use the, “we didn’t know” excuse to get out of paying up. The laws lien heavily in your favor on these matters, if they can’t prove to the court that you are not owed the money then they have to pay what you are owed, plus penalties and interest.

It is time to let go of the complaints and do something about it, UELG can help get you on the road to recovery, get you your money and move on.

CALL United Employees Law Group or email us today, we can tell you quickly if you have a case. Don’t put it off any longer.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Elnur

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