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No One Wants To Go To Court

No One Wants To Go To Court

Litigation is not an easy process. It’s easy to presume that the only person who actually enjoys going into court is the lawyer. At least I’ve never met anyone else who says “I can’t wait to go to court.”

“I can’t wait to collect what is owed to me,” now that’s a different story. Taking a case no matter what type, employment, civil, injury, etc., can be a very lengthy process and that’s what your employer is counting on. The truth is, any employer expects at some point to get sued. It is considered a cost of doing business and that’s why any company of significant size has a team of lawyers ready to go.

Your employer hopes you will consider the fight too difficult or un-winnable against them and give up. That’s why United Employees Law Group is here.  We fear no corporation, and in fact we have gone up against some of the largest companies and won.

As an employee in California you have two great tools in your favor:

First, most cases never go to trial. In the majority of cases the judge will push both parties to come to an agreement and settle outside of court. This means that if you have a good claim against your employer, and we know how to build the right case, once we enter into negotiations we can often get you a settlement without a long, drawn out court battle.

And second, the burden of proof falls on the employer. What does that mean? If you have a legitimate claim against your company, it is THEIR job to prove they did not commit the violation. That does not mean you can just go about making wild claims and seeing what will stick; if you make a false claim you are actually liable for all legal fees and damages incurred by your employer, so DON’T DO IT.

If you do have a claim or think you might you need the assessment of an experienced employment attorney who knows and understand your local laws contact United Employees Law Group. Call Today for your free and confidential case review.

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