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How to Handle a Hostile Work Environment in California?

How to Handle a Hostile Work Environment in California?

The hostile work environment is a challenging issue for the workers. A hostile work environment can be created by inappropriate behavior or sexual harassment from coworkers. It can also occur based on ethnicity, race, religious beliefs, pregnancy status, national origin, or disability. A hostile work environment can be a legal issue associated with discrimination or workplace retaliation. If you are facing similar situations, you should seek legal help under the state law. 

If you feel that your workplace is hostile, you can file a lawsuit.  This article discusses how to handle a hostile work environment in California.

Steps you should follow to handle a hostile work environment

Keep a record of harassment 

You should keep documentation of abuse and harassment, including dates and times, involved parties, and how it impacted your work performance. In order to prove your claim, you must gather evidence. Evidence will include the following:

  •  Recorded communications such as texts, emails, and voicemails.
  • Video or audio of offensive jokes.
  • Internal memos or other work documents
  • Names and contact information of eyewitness

Talk to the authority

It would be best if you informed your supervisor about your situation. Also, you can speak to Human Resources. If they do not rectify the problem, you can seek external help.

Bringing a lawsuit against a hostile work environment

Hostile work environment, including sexual and non-sexual harassment, is prohibited under the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). Hostile work environments can be characterized as bullying. You can complain about the hostile work environment when the abusive behavior is pervasive or severe and involves protected categories like race, religion, color, ethnicity, gender expression, or genetic information. You should file a complaint with the Civil Rights Department (CRD). You will have to file the claim within the three-year statute of limitations. CRD will conduct an investigation and try to resolve the issue. You can obtain a right-to-sue notice from CRD to file a lawsuit. 

Consult an employment lawyer

The attorney will help you determine your protected activity on which basis you should file a claim. With the proper suggestion of an attorney, you can fight against a hostile work environment through the best approach. Taking suggestions from an experienced lawyer is always advisable. 

Retain any evidence that supports your claim of a hostile work environment. This can include emails, messages, photographs, or witness statements. Ensure you have a copy of any relevant documents before submitting them as evidence.

Final words

In a nutshell, a hostile work environment is severe inappropriate behavior in the workplace that creates an abusive work atmosphere. California employee rights can be implemented in a hostile work environment to defend the workers. It will help if you remember that hostile behavior can come from supervisors, contractors, clients, and customers. If you feel your physical safety is being threatened, you can file a lawsuit for a hostile work environment. You should consult an attorney to talk about your grounds for a Hostile Work Environment (HWE) above-mentioned process of dealing with such situations will benefit you. 

Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/ pathdoc

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