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What to Do if You’re a Victim of Color Discrimination in California?

What to Do if You’re a Victim of Color Discrimination in California?

Do you think you are facing unwanted treatment from your employer because of your skin color? If so, California labor laws are in your favor. You have the right to sue the employer for discrimination. You should utilize the existing laws against discrimination in the workplace. This article will help you take necessary measures if you fall victim to color discrimination in your workplace. 

Things you need to do to fight color discrimination in California 

Know your situation of color discrimination

Color discrimination can take place at any time of employment. For example, your employer can mistreat you because of your skin color complexion during hiring, training, job promotion, job assignments, etc. It can also happen because you are married to or associated with someone of a specific color or race. You can face harassment for your shade from a supervisor, coworker, or employer. You need to know what is considered discrimination in the workplace and which law protects you from seeking financial statements. Keep a record of any instances of color discrimination you witness or experience. Document details such as dates, times, locations, individuals involved, and a description of what occurred. This documentation can be valuable if you decide to take legal action or file a complaint.

Seek protection under FEHA

Both federal and state laws protect workers from color discrimination in the workplace. The Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) is preferable to national Title VII in California as it gives more protection to employees. FEHA protects all employees in companies with five or more employees and public agencies. You can seek legal help under FEHA if you are discriminated against in your workplace based on race, color, national origin, age, etc.

File a complaint with DFEH

You can formally complain to EEOC at the federal level or with DFEH in California. California laws against discrimination in the workplace will be more beneficial to you than federal law. That’s why you are advised to make a formal complaint with DFEH. You need to file the complaint within one year of discrimination. 

File a case in court 

If you want to file a civil court case, you must first obtain a right-to-sue notice from DFEH. Then you will have a time limitation to take the topic to the court. For color discrimination cases, you can recover lost pay, damages for emotional distress, and punitive damages. 

Talk to an employment attorney

It is always suggested that you talk to a representative of the law enforcement agencies to discuss the issue hampering your working conditions. Also, if you consult an employment attorney, it will be easier for you to take the right approach. 

Final Words

There are specific laws against discrimination in the workplace in California. It would help if you took immediate action when encountering workplace color discrimination. Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) deals with complaints of color discrimination in the workplace. You can utilize the procedure discussed above to deal with your situation. Hopefully, you can stand up against color discrimination and get financial settlements for this. 

Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/ dusanpetkovic1

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