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What to Know About California Paycheck Laws

What to Know About California Paycheck Laws

Man signing legal paperwork with gavel on the table

California is very protective of employee rights. The state has made all the rules easy to make it possible for all employees to be paid on time without any exception. California paycheck law covers everything about the payday and paychecks.

In addition, the law will help you to better know which information your employer needs to provide you in regards to the paycheck while receiving the final paycheck. If you want to know more about the California paycheck law regarding paydays, paychecks, and the pay stubs, you can go through the following article. This article should help you to understand the rights of the employees in a better way.


In California, all the employees with a few exceptions will be paid at least twice in each calendar month on days designated as regular paydays by the employer. The employer must set a payday for all the employees and post that specific day on notice to help the employees to know the time and the location of paydays. It is required for all the employers.

The payday will not be longer that 26th of the month. Moreover, there are also provisions of the weekly, biweekly, and semimonthly payment. The time period will depend on the earning periods of the employees. The employers have to pay on the established payday without any delay. The employees have the right to get their payment even without a timecard on the designed day.

Pay Stub

In your pay stub, the following things need to be included:

  • The total gross wages.
  • The number of the units.
  • The total hours.
  • The deduction from the employee’s pay.
  • The net pay of the employee.
  • The name of the employee and the last four digits of the Social Security number of the employee.
  • The address and the full name of the employee.
  • The dates included in the pay period.

Final Paycheck 

You will be entitled to the final paycheck in certain conditions including laid off, fired and separated from your job. In these conditions, you will get the final paycheck immediately. You will get it soon after your layoff or firing.

Your employers must not wait for the next scheduled payday to pay you your deserving money. Your final paycheck will include the PTO and unused vacation time. If you leave your job with less than 72 hours notice, your employer will pay you within 72 hours. If you leave with 72 hours notice, then the employer must pay you on the last day of your work. Your final paycheck will include PTO and unused vacation time.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Africa-Studio

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