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According to the new laws in California concerning the workers, every employee is entitled to a domestic violence leave at any time of the year when such needs arises. When an employee is faced with a domestic violence, they find it very difficult to successfully perform their duties and they therefore need some time to handle their issues comfortably.

Domestic violence is such an hard situation and one needs much time to handle it. As an employee, you may need some medical attention, some time to ensure the safety of your children while at home or just time to settle your domestic disputes with your family and this should not be debated since it is your right to be given time in order to settle such matters.

Where to Report Your Domestic Violence Issues

If you are facing domestic violence threats then you need to inform your employer so as to get time to solve such matters. This could be a hard step to undertake especially if you feel your situation is very confidential but this should not worry you since your employer is required by the law to keep every employee’s personal information confidential and not to reveal it to any other third party. You could decide to approach your human resource personnel in such a case and they would immediately give you some time off your work so as to comfortably solve such issues.

The domestic leave laws apply to every other employee and no any cases of discrimination are accommodated whatsoever. However, the laws may differ for every employee depending on:

Time required to handle the cases

Every employee faces different cases on their domestic violence threats and they may thus require different time plans to handle their cases. This will consequently affect their off work durations.

Reasons for the leave

The domestic violence leave law accommodates a variety of activities for every employee though at times some minor activities may not be covered and thus your reason for the leave has an impact on whether to access the domestic leave or not.


Frequently Asked Questions on the Domestic Violence Leave

1. Some employees wonder type of employees who are eligible for the leave. The clause dies not exclude any employee and therefore accommodates all workers including the part-time workers and the casual employees.

2. When and what notice should to give to the employer is also another issue that worries other employees. Your employer requires a notification on your domestic violence threat when it occurs in order to be given time to handle it.

3.Employees have also questioned on the kind of evidence to provide on such matters. It us important to provide documents maybe from the police unit, the family support services or any other legal document that satisfies that you are a victim of the threat.

If you feel you have a domestic situation that needs to be handled then there is definitely no any reason why you should keep suffering at your work place when you have the chance to settle your issues comfortably. Feel free to inform your employer on your situation and get a domestic leave to easily handle your problems.

How UELG (United Employees Law Group) can help YOU!

If you find yourself in problems with your employer for taking a leave for domestic violence. UELG will be a phone call away.
UELG works with a team of experienced lawyers in professional cases and will take a full picture approach to your case to understand every legal requirement. They will gather as much information as possible and approach your case in all angles and ensure you get the justice required.

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