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Is the President Breaking the LAW?

Is the President Breaking the LAW?

Gavel on table

Obama has enacted more executive actions in his presidency that come under fire. While the executive order has been exercised by every president since George Washington, in fact William Henry Harrison was the ONLY president never to use the mechanism for presidential action.  The reason President Obama’s executive orders seem to be so questionable is somewhat simple. The president is not a dictator and as we live in a democracy and are given the right to vote it would stand to reason that if the country votes AGAINST something the president should not be able to turn around and say “Too bad, I’m doing it anyway.”

…and so the debate rages on as to whether or not the executive amnesty program for illegal workers is legal or not. The administration has already issued over a hundred thousand permits while a moratorium has been placed on the funding for the action. The future of the permits is unclear, but it does not change the protections all workers in California are given. Whether or not you have a permit, were born here or are completely undocumented, if you are employed your employer must uphold certain standards of safety, treatment and compensation.

The laws protecting the rights of workers in California extend to ALL who are employed; some of these rights include safe working conditions and minimum wage. In addition to these protections are the statutes which clearly state you cannot be threatened with reporting or deportation just to force you to work for less or in sub-standard conditions.

If you have been unfairly treated by an employer, regardless of your immigration status, you have protections under California Labor Law and UELG can help. We have helped countless others collect what’s owed and we may be able to help you too. Call today, it’s completely free and confidential.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ Billion Photos

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