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Is it Really Worth Suing Your Company?

Is it Really Worth Suing Your Company?

Professionally dressed young man looking out a window

How your attorney builds your case will make a big difference in how personal it gets.

Know before you get involved, just what it’s worth to you.

It should go without saying that there are a multitude of different types of legal cases, and how those cases are proven can vary greatly. For this reason you can face very different levels of personal scrutiny, dependent on how your legal team decides to try your case.

Some cases are cut and dry; others rely heavily on personal opinion and witness or expert testimony. Cases such as harassment or discrimination usually involve some level of compensation based on personal trauma, the proving of which can become very personal. Just consider that if you are going to prove that the abuses you suffered under your boss caused mental and emotional problems for you, then you will have to prove that those issues did not exist before the abuse, and obviously the opposing side will do their best to prove they did. This can mean dragging up anything they can find that they think might sway the decision in their favor.

It’s clear why cases like this which can rely heavily on opinion and not as much on facts can be more difficult to prove, not to mention harder on you as the plaintiff.

At UELG we help to bolster such cases in TWO IMPORTANT WAYS:

Number ONE: we work to build a winning case based on the hard FACTS.

We have worked long and hard to create a system to weed out all possible violations your company might be committing, and finding the proof they don’t even realize exists. There is a simple principle; a company breaking one law is most likely breaking others. We look at each case from all sides to build a multifaceted case. If we can prove the employer has been willing to violate wage and safety laws, it is more believable that they have committed other offenses as well. By collecting digital proof of these problems we can often push for a settlement without ever putting you through an actual trial.

Number TWO: You are probably NOT ALONE.

It is actually quite rare that an employer would single out only a one individual to commit any labor law abuses toward. This means there is a good chance you have coworkers dealing with the same problems. We specialize in employment class actions and can help you collect based on the larger group in many cases. This does not mean you have to go out recruiting your coworkers.  We can open a case based on just your complaint and then  help build a class completely confidentially.

United Employees Law Group builds winning cases and we have helped many just like you. Call today and let us get to work putting things right.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ GaudiLab

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