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Informative And Educative Details About Workplace Torts

Informative And Educative Details About Workplace Torts

A tort is defined as an infringement of rights that results to civil legal liability. This includes all types of rights except the contract rights. Workplace torts are when your rights as an employee are infringed. You can sue to recover money damages when your rights in the place you work are infringed.

Your employer can infringe on your right by knowingly giving you false information and you use this information to make certain decisions. But your employer also has a right which is known as qualified privilege which allows the employer to make statements about you. If the employer makes negative comments by mistake about you then you are not entitled to compensation. For instance, if an employer picks the wrong file and makes a statement regarding you from the facts on the wrong files then you are not entitled to compensation.

Types of Workplace Torts

Your employer commits fraud when he or she deceives you and you rely on the wrong information to your detriment. You are required to prove that the employer knew that the information he or she gave you was false and his or her intentions were to harm or deceive you. You are also required to prove that the fraud made you lose something.

False Imprisonment
False imprisonment is when an individual is denied his or her freedom of movement without his or her consent and without legal justification. A good example is when a manger locks you into his office and proceeds to interrogate you without your consent. The main factors that determine whether you have been imprisoned legally include the length of the time you are held and the circumstances.

Battery and Assault
An assault is when a person attempts to make contact using his hands or an object. On the other hand, battery is when the person actually makes contact using his hands or an object. If someone swings a fist against you and misses that is referred to as an assault but if the person actually hits you it is battery. If you are assaulted or battered at work your employer or the person who assaulted you is liable of an offence and you should be compensated.

Negligence is when your employer fails to do what he or she is supposed to do so that you have a safe working place. This includes failing to put in place things which are meant to keep you safe. You can also sue independent contractors such as doctors and detectives for negligence.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Are workplace torts common in workplaces?
A. Yes, they are very common.
Q. if I sue my employer can I continue working there?
A. it depends with the relationship between you and your employer.

If you have any issue regarding torts in workplaces you can get the necessary help from United Employees Law Group (UELG. This group will give the necessary legal assistance to help you get compensated effectively.

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