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What You Should Get Your Boss to PAY FOR

What You Should Get Your Boss to PAY FOR

Professionally dressed young man looking out a window

California labor code section 2802 states that the employer should cover all the expenses which an employee incurs due to business purpose. Thus, if an employee buys any type of tools, supplies or equipment that are needed to complete their task, then the employer will have to reimburse the expenses incurred by the employee.

Labor Code Section 2802 states that:
The employer will have to reimburse any expenses or losses which an employee has to incur while going about his official duties or on the orders of his or her employer. Even if the duties were not lawful the employer is entitled to reimburse the amount in case the employee was unaware that the instructions were unlawful.
Any awards issued by the court of the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement for reimbursement of the expenses under this section shall include the interest just like the judgments of civil actions. The interest shall be levied from the time when the employee had to bear the expenses or loss.

The term ‘necessary expenditures or losses’ also include the fees which the employee has to pay to the attorney to enforce the rights which this section grants them.
Mileage is often ignored and in case the employer asks you to make use of your personal vehicle for the company, then you should be reimbursed for those miles. Presently the IRS suggests that around 55 cents should be levied for every mile. You should bear this in mind and in case the employer is unwilling to reimburse the whole amount, then you can seek assistance from an employment attorney or a tax professional who will guide you during tax time.

You should know your rights in case an employer tries to tell you that this is a part of your job and there will be no reimbursement, or in case the employer makes you believe that this is expected of you since you have got a promotion or are now at a particular designation.
Your employer may tell you that the distance is not too much and so you should not create an issue, but remember that even these small distances traveled everyday are sure to increase your mileage considerably every month.
The expenses of uniform too are not calculated correctly. The company needs to give you any particular items which they need. In case these items include the below mentioned characteristics then the employer will have to reimburse the amount you have spent:

If the employer makes it mandatory for you to purchase the item from them directly.
In case they specify a particular brand or include the logo of the company on the uniform.
In case the item is specially designed for your profession, for instance, a bullet proof jacket.

Labor Laws are not quite simple and in case you have any queries about the employment then you should get in touch with United Employees Law Group, who will be able to assist you in knowing your rights and will also evaluate the situation without levying any charges.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ GaudiLab

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