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Fraud In The Workplace

Fraud In The Workplace

Young group of people sitting at a table with books and paperwork looking up to smile

One of the misconduct that dents the image of an organization to the public is when fraud in the workplace gets detected. It’s one thing that organizations are fighting each day and fraud in the workplace has gone a notch higher with the advancement of technology. Fraud in the workplace is taking different forms with some employees finding themselves as victims of fraud that they knew nothing about in the first place. Junior employees find themselves given incorrect information or figures by their supervisors whose intention is likely aimed at defrauding the organization some money or resources.

When the employer inflates the prices of goods bought and asks the procurement person to record the details, fraud has taken place. The aim of the employer is to benefit from the false information and gain some monetary value from the action. However, when fraud in the workplace gets detected, it’s the procurement person who will carry the burden. He might be dismissed from work and also face some legal actions.

The most common types of fraud in the workplace include embezzlement, corruption, and fraudulent documents. The three forms of fraud are causing organization annual losses estimated in billions of money.

When an employee accepts kickbacks in the procurement process on behalf of his or her employer, fraud in the workplace has occurred. The misappropriation of a company’s property is another form of fraud commonly found at the place of work. When an employer uses the company’s assets for their personal effects, the employer has done some fraud in the place of work. Another form involves taking bribes so as to hire someone or change the results of the hiring process to favor a certain individual.

As an employee, when you feel that your employer is defrauding the company its resources, you can report the matter to the management. However, ensure that the company has a law that protects whistle-blowers in the organization. An attorney can help you make a claim if you feel that you got fired as a result of your good actions.

Your employer can’t fire, demote or deploy you for failing to undertake an illegal action like a fraud. When you have evidence that you got mistreated due to your stand for not agreeing with the employer to defraud an organization, you should come to United Employees Law Group. We shall assist you make a claim for an unlawful termination of your contract.

Fraud in the workplace is illegal and an action that is punishable under federal laws and can lead to dismissal or imprisonment of the person involved. Don’t allow your employer to use you as a scapegoat when he or she performs fraud.

If you, or someone you know, are facing legal issues in the workplace United Employees Law Group has the answers. Call Today for your free and confidential case review. Please feel free to CONTACT US with any questions about this blog or your exact situation.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Rido

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