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Filing a Complaint Regarding a Workplace Hazard

Filing a Complaint Regarding a Workplace Hazard

Man receiving a check from a man in a suit

If you think your workplace environment is unsafe or hazardous, you should discuss the issue with your employer or file a complaint. In order to file a complaint, you can go to any OSHA (The Occupational Safety and Health Act) office and complete the appropriate forms. You also have the option to fill out and submit a complaint online or print it and mail it. All forms are available through OSHA’s website.

Anyone aware of a workplace hazard is able to file a complaint, and you are able to file a claim anonymously if you prefer. However, a written and signed complaint is more reliable and more likely to result in an onsite inspection performed by OSHA. Depending on the severity of the hazard in the complaint, OSHA will either conduct an on-site investigation or they will do a phone interview with the employer. Filing a complaint is quick, easy, and it can save you the trouble from being in a bad situation.

To encourage employees to bring safety hazards to the attention of OSHA without having to fear retaliation from their employers, OSHA makes it illegal for employers to retaliate or discriminate against employees who participate in OSHA proceedings. This means that an employee can’t be fired, demoted or be discriminated against for exercising their rights to work in a safe place.

If you start to notice that your boss is beginning to retaliate against you, you need to file a claim that your employer discriminated against you because of your participation with OSHA. In order to file this claim, you need to prove that you participated in an OSHA proceeding, that your employer knew this, and that due to your involvement you were subjected to an adverse employment action. For example, being harassed, having your hours or pay cut, being demoted or being fired.

It is important for every employee to know their rights to work in a safe and hazard-free work environment. Employees have a right to exercise their rights and/or file claims to protect themselves from any illegal activity in their workplace.

If you, or someone you know, are facing legal issues in the workplace United Employees Law Group has answers, Call Today for your free and confidential case review. Please feel free to CONTACT US with any questions about this blog or your exact situation.

Courtesy of Workplace Fairness. For more information regarding the article, visit

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Andrey_Popov

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