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How to File a Public Works Complaint

How to File a Public Works Complaint

Man signing legal paperwork with gavel on the table

If there is any public work violation, a public works complaint can be filed. Some of the violations which can make you file for the complaints include failure to pay prevailing wages as well as the use of apprentices.

If you work in a public works project, you should complete the worker complaint form. When filling the form, you should try and do it as best as you can and remember to indicate the date of signing the form.

You should also include copies which support your complaint.

Can you file public works complaint if you don’t work in public works?

Yes, you can file a workers complaint if you don’t work in public works. The labor commission allows unions, corporations, labor management, public agencies, competitors and other interested parties to file the complaints.

If you like to file a complaint in California, then you should address your complaint to the labor and wages office. Always ensure you have indicated the right address or else your complaint will not reach the final destination.

What happens after a complaint has been filed?

There are several stages which follow after you have filed the complaint. The department of labor will work on your case and ascertain whether it is worth the compensation. Some of the steps followed include the following:

  • The case is assigned investigation to the public works unit

The public works unit of labor is the one responsible for investigating your case. If you had not provided enough information, an investigator could contact you for additional information. If you provide any information to the government agency, you are protected against actions such as demotion, firing, disciplinary action or even suspension.

You should always provide the right information if you like to access justice.

  • The investigator interviews witnesses

After you have provided enough information to the investigator, he will then proceed to access more information from the employer as well as other witnesses who may know more about the incidences. If the investigator identifies violations, he will give citations to the affected contractor.

The awarding body will be then instructed to withhold any payment till the matter is fully resolved. All the contractors have the right to appeal to any citation.

It is a transparent procedure which is aimed at making you receive the justice you deserve.

If you face any challenge when filing for public works complaint, you should get in touch with a qualified lawyer who can help you in the process.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ Africa Studio

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